Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ6 vs. Pentax Optio E30


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Lumix DMC-LZ6 image
Optio E30 image
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ6 Pentax Optio E30
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Max. image resolution
3072 x 2304
3072 x 2304


Sensor type
Sensor size
1/2.5" (~ 5.75 x 4.32 mm)
1/2.5" (~ 5.75 x 4.32 mm)
Sensor resolution
3072 x 2310
3072 x 2310
7.19 mm
7.19 mm
Sensor size comparison
Sensor size is generally a good indicator of the quality of the camera. Sensors can vary greatly in size. As a general rule, the bigger the sensor, the better the image quality.

Bigger sensors are more effective because they have more surface area to capture light. An important factor when comparing digital cameras is also camera generation. Generally, newer sensors will outperform the older.

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Actual sensor size

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1 : 1
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ6 Pentax Optio E30
Surface area:
24.84 mm² vs 24.84 mm²
Difference: 0 mm² (0%)
LZ6 and E30 sensors are the same size.
Pixel pitch
1.87 µm
1.87 µm
Pixel pitch tells you the distance from the center of one pixel (photosite) to the center of the next. It tells you how close the pixels are to each other.

The bigger the pixel pitch, the further apart they are and the bigger each pixel is. Bigger pixels tend to have better signal to noise ratio and greater dynamic range.
Difference: 0 µm (0%)
LZ6 and E30 have the same pixel pitch.
Pixel area
3.5 µm²
3.5 µm²
Pixel or photosite area affects how much light per pixel can be gathered. The larger it is the more light can be collected by a single pixel.

Larger pixels have the potential to collect more photons, resulting in greater dynamic range, while smaller pixels provide higher resolutions (more detail) for a given sensor size.
Relative pixel sizes:
Pixel area difference: 0 µm² (0%)
Panasonic LZ6 and Pentax E30 have the same pixel area.
Pixel density
28.54 MP/cm²
28.54 MP/cm²
Pixel density tells you how many million pixels fit or would fit in one square cm of the sensor.

Higher pixel density means smaller pixels and lower pixel density means larger pixels.
Difference: 0 µm (0%)
Panasonic LZ6 and Pentax E30 have the same pixel density.
To learn about the accuracy of these numbers, click here.


Panasonic LZ6
Pentax E30
Crop factor
Total megapixels
Effective megapixels
Optical zoom
Digital zoom
ISO sensitivity
Auto, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1250, 3200
Auto, 80, 160, 320, 400
Manual focus
Normal focus range
50 cm
50 cm
Macro focus range
5 cm
15 cm
Focal length (35mm equiv.)
37 - 222 mm
36 - 108 mm
Aperture priority
Max. aperture
f2.8 - f4.5
f2.7 - f4.8
Max. aperture (35mm equiv.)
f16.9 - f27.1
f16.3 - f28.9
Exposure compensation
±2 EV (in 1/3 EV steps)
±2 EV (in 1/3 EV steps)
Shutter priority
Min. shutter speed
60 sec
4 sec
Max. shutter speed
1/2000 sec
1/2000 sec
Built-in flash
External flash
White balance presets
Screen size
Screen resolution
86,000 dots
110,000 dots
Video capture
Max. video resolution
Storage types
Secure Digital
Secure Digital
USB 1.0
USB 1.0
AA (2) batteries (NiMH recommended)
AA (2) batteries (NiMH recommended)
180 g
138 g
98.5 x 62.3 x 33.1 mm
94.5 x 61.5 x 35.4 mm

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Diagonal is calculated by the use of Pythagorean theorem:
Diagonal =  w² + h²
where w = sensor width and h = sensor height

Panasonic LZ6 diagonal

The diagonal of LZ6 sensor is not 1/2.5 or 0.4" (10.2 mm) as you might expect, but approximately two thirds of that value - 7.19 mm. If you want to know why, see sensor sizes.

w = 5.75 mm
h = 4.32 mm
Diagonal =  5.75² + 4.32²   = 7.19 mm

Pentax E30 diagonal

The diagonal of E30 sensor is not 1/2.5 or 0.4" (10.2 mm) as you might expect, but approximately two thirds of that value - 7.19 mm. If you want to know why, see sensor sizes.

w = 5.75 mm
h = 4.32 mm
Diagonal =  5.75² + 4.32²   = 7.19 mm

Surface area

Surface area is calculated by multiplying the width and the height of a sensor.

LZ6 sensor area

Width = 5.75 mm
Height = 4.32 mm

Surface area = 5.75 × 4.32 = 24.84 mm²

E30 sensor area

Width = 5.75 mm
Height = 4.32 mm

Surface area = 5.75 × 4.32 = 24.84 mm²

Pixel pitch

Pixel pitch is the distance from the center of one pixel to the center of the next measured in micrometers (µm). It can be calculated with the following formula:
Pixel pitch =   sensor width in mm  × 1000
sensor resolution width in pixels

LZ6 pixel pitch

Sensor width = 5.75 mm
Sensor resolution width = 3072 pixels
Pixel pitch =   5.75  × 1000  = 1.87 µm

E30 pixel pitch

Sensor width = 5.75 mm
Sensor resolution width = 3072 pixels
Pixel pitch =   5.75  × 1000  = 1.87 µm

Pixel area

The area of one pixel can be calculated by simply squaring the pixel pitch:
Pixel area = pixel pitch²

You could also divide sensor surface area with effective megapixels:
Pixel area =   sensor surface area in mm²
effective megapixels

LZ6 pixel area

Pixel pitch = 1.87 µm

Pixel area = 1.87² = 3.5 µm²

E30 pixel area

Pixel pitch = 1.87 µm

Pixel area = 1.87² = 3.5 µm²

Pixel density

Pixel density can be calculated with the following formula:
Pixel density =  ( sensor resolution width in pixels )² / 1000000
sensor width in cm

One could also use this formula:
Pixel density =   effective megapixels × 1000000  / 10000
sensor surface area in mm²

LZ6 pixel density

Sensor resolution width = 3072 pixels
Sensor width = 0.575 cm

Pixel density = (3072 / 0.575)² / 1000000 = 28.54 MP/cm²

E30 pixel density

Sensor resolution width = 3072 pixels
Sensor width = 0.575 cm

Pixel density = (3072 / 0.575)² / 1000000 = 28.54 MP/cm²

Sensor resolution

Sensor resolution is calculated from sensor size and effective megapixels. It's slightly higher than maximum (not interpolated) image resolution which is usually stated on camera specifications. Sensor resolution is used in pixel pitch, pixel area, and pixel density formula. For sake of simplicity, we're going to calculate it in 3 stages.

1. First we need to find the ratio between horizontal and vertical length by dividing the former with the latter (aspect ratio). It's usually 1.33 (4:3) or 1.5 (3:2), but not always.

2. With the ratio (r) known we can calculate the X from the formula below, where X is a vertical number of pixels:
(X × r) × X = effective megapixels × 1000000    →   
X =  effective megapixels × 1000000
3. To get sensor resolution we then multiply X with the corresponding ratio:

Resolution horizontal: X × r
Resolution vertical: X

LZ6 sensor resolution

Sensor width = 5.75 mm
Sensor height = 4.32 mm
Effective megapixels = 7.10
r = 5.75/4.32 = 1.33
X =  7.10 × 1000000  = 2310
Resolution horizontal: X × r = 2310 × 1.33 = 3072
Resolution vertical: X = 2310

Sensor resolution = 3072 x 2310

E30 sensor resolution

Sensor width = 5.75 mm
Sensor height = 4.32 mm
Effective megapixels = 7.10
r = 5.75/4.32 = 1.33
X =  7.10 × 1000000  = 2310
Resolution horizontal: X × r = 2310 × 1.33 = 3072
Resolution vertical: X = 2310

Sensor resolution = 3072 x 2310

Crop factor

Crop factor or focal length multiplier is calculated by dividing the diagonal of 35 mm film (43.27 mm) with the diagonal of the sensor.
Crop factor =   43.27 mm
sensor diagonal in mm

LZ6 crop factor

Sensor diagonal in mm = 7.19 mm
Crop factor =   43.27  = 6.02

E30 crop factor

Sensor diagonal in mm = 7.19 mm
Crop factor =   43.27  = 6.02

35 mm equivalent aperture

Equivalent aperture (in 135 film terms) is calculated by multiplying lens aperture with crop factor (a.k.a. focal length multiplier).

LZ6 equivalent aperture

Crop factor = 6.02
Aperture = f2.8 - f4.5

35-mm equivalent aperture = (f2.8 - f4.5) × 6.02 = f16.9 - f27.1

E30 equivalent aperture

Crop factor = 6.02
Aperture = f2.7 - f4.8

35-mm equivalent aperture = (f2.7 - f4.8) × 6.02 = f16.3 - f28.9

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